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Useful Information for Customers

Many of us share an incredible bond with our pets, they are an integral part of the family. They provide companionship, bring happiness and for some they even provide a sense of purpose. So when a pet passes away – or goes missing – or is stolen, it can trigger all sorts of painful emotions, life can suddenly feel very empty.

Euthanasia is one of the most difficult decisions anyone can ever make for their pet. The overriding emotion is typically to ‘do the right thing’ for your beloved companion, to fulfil your commitment and responsibility as their friend and owner. This decision, once made, can cause overwhelming guilt and of course the pain and upset that accompanies your grief and bereavement.

We hope these few words will help in easing that pain of pet owners who, one way or another, have lost their pet…in some cases their best friend and confidant. Click to read full feature.

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